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Captivate with a Portrait

610-449-7201 or email Najia

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Najia is not only a talented belly dancer, her eye for beauty touches everything in her life including her drawings. Some of Najia's clientele include Coca Cola and Warner Brothers. Najia will be happy to create a custom bellydance portrait of you or your loved one in a variety of artistic mediums. Prices vary according to size, medium chosen and amount of detail needed. In order for her to assist you it's best to speak by phone (610-449-7201) (studio) or you may send an email to NajiaStudios@verizon.net with your phone number and she will call you back as soon as possible.

" I always love to capture an inner essence or potential in whoever I photograph or draw and to give the viewer a tactile sensation that lingers in their awareness. I love having the time to work with the client to find and know what is right for them. The best is when all the elements come together such as an artistic direction consultation, styling the set and client, working on their makeup, coaching them into just the right poses, eliciting the relaxation or depth in their expression with the click of the camera and finally the finishing touches in the retouching and artistic rendering.This allows the finished portrait to be art and inspired and to rise above the ordinary." ~Najia

Copyright 2012 by Najia.
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